Shylo Preston, Kitchen & Bath Designer at The Kitchen Source

Shylo-Anne Preston is part of the Design/Remodeling team at The Kitchen Source. ~
Tel. 214-751-8133 ~ Email Me!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Testing, testing... Shylo taps on the mic, 'hello, is this thing working?"

So, I came up with a concept and a name.  I went to BlogSpot and clicked on a button that said "Create A Blog".  So far so good.  A little press this, and try that, and I've got a profile picture and a little blurb about me.  But now it's midnight and I realize I have a very early meeting with a client.  Time to put my new blog to bed, however, it doesn't seem right to sign off with a completely blank page, so in case you happen to find me, here is just a very quick hello with a promise of more to come!